Modifikasi Simpel dan Minimalis
DetailLampu big not only property of the sport motor. The design skubek 2007 also would like that. That not yet for a long time could have carried out surveillance of Yamaha New Mio Thai output. Headlamp was made big so as apparently melotot.
The duck increasingly slim! Saw the work of the manufacturer of the kind Suzuki the noble F-150 and Yamaha Jupiter MX 135LC. “Desain bodi very pointed trus if was seen increasingly behind increasingly pointed, so nungging in the style of the motor underbone 4-tak,” opened Budi ‘Big’ Rahmanto, the big boss Big Modification.KLIK - details Continued the race impression increasingly strong after batok light was made round the backward alias light.
Dark please? Not tuh, tau him headlamp direlokasi to the area of the front wings, this terinspirasi the front Jupiter MX face that was thick the element of his sport.
“Joined the component bodi original with bodi made by indeed again mewabah,” timpal Topo Gadhoel, the skipper Tauco Custom, Jagakarsa, of Southern Jakarta. This needed care builder so that balanced combined ‘baju’ original with ‘jubah’ the work personally from . Em-Plus narrow carry out surveillance of in his workshop had Honda Supra X 125 with the front wings original but the stern custom. Also had Yamaha Vega used the Jupiter MX wings, bodi the rest was made repeated from the iron plate. Once more tampilan Yamaha Tachyon during PRJ 2005
Modifikasi Simpel dan Minimalis
Labels: Honda