I really wanted to hurt someone this morning...

I'm riding my 'Glide down US Rt. 1 (North of Kennett) today on my way to work (my commute is a mix of country roads, 4-lane, then suburban and urban surface streets). I'm in the left lane behind a late 80s or early 90s front wheel drive Buick. He's poking along at 15-20 under. Leaning back, right arm draped across the back of the passenger seat. I sit there patiently for a bit as traffic is moving along at or slightly over the limit in the right lane. Now... I generally try not to pass on the right but this guy is just not getting the clue as I (and a line of cars) are sitting rather patiently behind him.

I signal, find a hole in the right lane, and move over. I start accelerating to pass him and he starts drifting over at me. He's looking RIGHT at me and moving over. I'm thinking he's just an asshole who wants to move over without signalling, so I fall back. He gets back in his lane. I start passing again, over he comes. AGAIN, looking RIGHT at me. Now I'm at the fog line and the dirt and a hill is to my right. I've got nowhere to go, so I back down again. He gets back in his lane. The guy behind him starts laying on the horn. It's clear what's going on.

At this point, I have a choice. I can get by him, I've been pretty casual about it this far, or I can just take a breath, let this asshole move along and get on with my life. I just hang back. He slows down. Fuck it... I drop two gears and whack the throttle. While not as impressive a move on the Harley as it would be on, say, a Busa or ZX, I get along just fine. Damned if he doesn't slam his throttle down, run up next to me because now there's a pickup in front of me, but again he starts coming over. That's it... the guy behind me better be paying attention.

I bring the bike almost to a stop and the Buick keeps going. He stops at the light at Rt. 1 and Rt. 52. I'm about 50 yards back. I cruise very casually up to the light and I'm 2 cars behind him and one lane over. I dropped the kick stand, get off the bike and start taking a few steps. The guy in the car next to me gets out and looks at me and does that WTF thing with his hands. He's been watching this. I say to him "You saw all that, right?" "hell yeah!"

I start walking towards the car and the light turns green. The guy just sits there and as I get to his car, he slams the gas down and goes straight up Rt. 1. I walk back to my bike and remount it - everyone watching all this is being very patient - and I turn down Rt. 52 (South) and continue on my way to work.

What the hell gets in to people? I really feel like this guy was hunting. I was seriously ready to start pounding on the guy; I consider what he did a life-threatening attack with ongoing provocation. I'm fairly certain everyone who saw it would be credible witnesses to my defense. The green light saved this asshole.