Extreme Modifikasi suzuki Skywave


The cross bean have five model with wide palm, In front of 5 inches and Hind 7 inches. Then, Finishing with chrome. But, Jut from this modification Harley-Davidson’s nuance.Liking sepatbor in front of wide model. Pity, Part under it not complete with lip makes for captor water. So also sepatbor hind slopes. Second this part uses lamelli ingredient measures 8 mm.

Modification with low rider style is never ending. Suzuki Skywave 2008 Sulistioes’ properties that worked on Chrome’s Ton’s (this TC’s for example, Really impressive. There are some part that jut and Can be said rather new. For example, Rim in front of and Hind model custom cross bean according Chandra’s Antonius, The TC’s skipper, be favorite of american low rider communities.